Yoav G
3 min readJan 19, 2021


Are you ever gonna be successful?

Now, this is a subject that is overly talked about. Everyone talks about the secret formula to become a millionaire and to be happy.

And everyone talks about being successful but not many people define what success is. Now for me money is not success, nor have a huge house with lots of fancy cars. Success is far more than that

Success is being able to look at yourself and be proud of what you are becoming and have become. It encloses everything, from financial freedom, to who you are as a person

Being successful is to understand that you will never be perfect but you keep striving to be the very best version of yourself.

And all of this has to do with money, family, friends. The big problem is that everyone wants to be successful buy no one wants to take the time to become successful. And we think that, because i thought about it I already am. And this is not the case.

In my opinion, and what I have learned about success is that the following are the ones who rule who you are becoming and who you will become if, the same behavior keeps repeating.

  • IDENTITY: Who are you? I have talked about the importance of this matter, who you become is based upon who you think you are. Nothing will come out of nowhere. If you don’t have your mind set on who you want to become, your priorities will always fluctuate. You need to understand that if you want something it will always cost you something. Nothing comes for free and here is where you identity comes in place.

If your Identity is solid, then you won’t trade immediate pleasure is something you are not willing to trade for your identity and who you are.

(Source: Consumer Identity: Know the Fundamentals — Annalect)
  • TIME: Where are you investing your time is where your identity is placed. Where you spend or invest your time is what you are building and striving to achieve. If you just play videogames and eating junk food, then what do you think you are achieving? If you read, study, invest in yourself towards a goal, in time you will harvest such things.
(Source: How To Gain Back 3,000 Hours Of Your Time In Just One Year! I Strategic Coach)
  • DARE TO EXCECUTE AND COMMIT: As you will guess, you just have to do it. Like, dare to start something. Just start something, open a Shopify account, start a blog account, open a trading account, do something.

But it is not just a matter to just do it, but commit. You don’t do things because you feel like it. But because you commit to it. In today’s world there is a huge lack of this matter. When was the las time you started something and you actually decided to stay there.

Have you ever thought what would happen if you actually stayed and be constant with something? Now we could achieve many things if we would just do things and stick to our decision. Nothing will come easy, you will fail many times, but you will definitely stay there and achieve nothing if you don’t stay committed with something and endure hardship

(Source: mimdset, inspiring, encouragement and motivation — image #6594116 on Favim.com)
  • DARE TO QUESTION EVERYTHING: Be creative, try to reinvent yourself and discover the world in new ways. it is not a way to make money, but to live. Wonder, study and be better. Don’t ever assume you will get a no, don’t you ever dare to not dare to question everything.
(Source: (330) Pinterest)



Yoav G

Just trying to share what I am learning about life